Blessed and cursed with a memorably comical name, Bob Fingerman was fated to be a cartoonist. And that’s what he’s done with his life since the moment he could first grasp a crayon! Starting his career, in 1984, working for the legendary Harvey Kurtzman, then cutting his teeth as a regular for Cracked magazine, ending up decades later as “one of the usual gang of idiots” in MAD, and along the way working for pretty much every comic publisher (Marvel, DC, Vertigo, Archie, Eclipse, Fantagraphics, Dark Horse, Heavy Metal, IDW, etc.), Fingerman has cut a curious swath through Comicdom with his idiosyncratic style and scripts.
THAT’S SOME BUSINESS YOU’RE IN, a 200+ page hardcover, boasts a huge amount of art, much of which is presented for the first time scanned from the originals, warts and all, “Artist’s Edition” style, as well as archival materials and tear sheets, That’s Some Business You’re In is essential for any fan of Fingerman’s work, and also for those unacquainted, as a deep dive to whet their appetites for more!
See for yourself why Patton Oswalt wrote “The highs, the lows, the what-the-hell-is-happenings. Bob Fingerman chronicled life with hilarious, sometimes cringey honesty. Here’s to 40 more years. NEVER STOP WORKING, BOB!”
This was a small press run, so quantities are limited!
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